Peace River

.E.H.S. YSafety Consulting Inc.

Available in Lower Mainland / Fraser Valley / Vancouver Island North / Vancouver Island South / Okanagan / West Kootenays / East Kootenays / Cariboo Chilcotin / Peace River / Skeena

  • Training Offered

    • Use of the OHS Regulation (definition and application), Refusal of Unsafe Work (procedures), Joint OHS Committees and Worker Reps, OHS Program (cooperatively promoting workplace OHS), Accident Investigations and Reports (application of processes), Safety Inspections (application of processes), Small Business OHS Programs, Responsibilities for OHS (Legal framework), Hazard Analysis – Writing Safe Work Procedures (Process and applications), Hazard Recognition Workshop (Applications), WHMIS Education (Awareness), Lockout/Tag out (Awareness), Fall Protection (Awareness), Confined Space (Awareness), Musculoskeletal Injury (MSI) Prevention Requirements (OHSR), MSI Risk Identification and Assessment, Supervisor Safety Management Foundation, Prevention of Violence in the Workplace, Mobile Equipment , Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
  • Training Delivery

    • Classroom
  • Instructor Credentials

    • CSP—Certified Safety Professional

If you would like to find information on another training topic, please go to the Home page and repeat Steps 1 and 2.